Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Calendar

So much is going on right now- I love it! I've missed having days to look forward to or to prepare for. I almost started missing tests.

Firstly, it's Thursday- which means. Anyone? Anyone? Farmer's Market! Bring on the kettle korn and other street food. The bands, the puppet show, the fire truck, the fruits and veggies. Gosh I love Farmer's. My boyfriend has requested that I pick up some boysenberries- but I don't think they're in season yet. It's too cold. I'll be making cake tonight with some of the berries, thanks to one of this lady's incredible recipes.

Secondly, I've found a very promising apartment to move into with my love. I'm very excited about it. The complex is in an area that I have grown to know well (because it is about 3 blocks from his mom's house. Good? Bad? I don't know). And the neighborhood reminds me of the houses by my elementary school. Plus- can you say Fitness Center, Heated Pool, and Billiards Table? Bomb.

Thirdly, there's always the worry of how I am going to pay for rent when my savings runs out since I'll be moving to a new city with no job lined up. The solution? The Emergency 30 Day Substitute Teaching Permit. This will allow me to be on-call for subbing grades k-12 in the county of my choice. All I have to do is earn my Bachelor's Degree (oh wait- I already did that) and take the CBEST. Which I just registered for to take in July.

Lastly, it's Graduation weekend! At first I was completely dreading this. I graduated months ago and I've been in that mindset since then. So going back to campus was like going back to school which is totally counter-intuitive to what graduation is supposed to be- a leaving process. Also, I have to be honest and say that I am not totally stoked to be graduated. It's very gratifying that I accomplished something so wonderful in such a short amount of time but it sucks to be out in the real world with no job (yet). BUT! Graduation weekend now means that I get to see my family, my best friends, my boyfriend, and the in-laws all in one place. And THAT is epic. Hopefully everyone gets along. :)

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